



  • 所得稅:主要包含營業事業所得稅及國外可扣抵稅額等
  • 房地稅:包含地價稅及房屋稅
  • 其他:包含印花稅及環境稅等,其中環境稅係針對環境的影響所產生的稅賦及費用,包含燃料費及廢棄物處理費等,繳納給政府後專款專用作為環境改善之使用,進而提升環境保護


Tax Jurisdiction Constituent Entities Resident in the Tax Jurisdiction Main Business Activity(ies)
Research and Development Holding or Managing intellectual property Purchasing or Procurement Manufacturing or Production Sales, Marketing or Distribution Administrative, Management or Support Services Provision of Services to Unrelated Parties Internal Group Finance Regulated Financial Services Insurance Holding Shares or Other Equity Instruments Dormant Other
TW Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
TW Chief Telecom Inc. ... ... ... ... ...
TW Chunghwa Leading Photonics Tech Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
TW Chunghwa System Integration Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... ...
TW Light Era Development Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
TW Spring House Entertainment Tech. Inc. ... ... ... ... ... ...
TW Chunghwa Investment Co., Ltd. ...
TW Honghwa International Co., Ltd. ... ...
TW Smartfun Digital Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ...
TW CHYP Multimedia Marketing & Communications Co., Ltd. ... ... ...
TW Senao International Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... ...
TW Chunghwa Sochamp Technology Inc. ... ... ... ...
TW CHT Security Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
TW Unigate Telecom Inc. ...
TW Chunghwa Precision Test Tech. Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
TW Aval Technologies Co., Ltd. ... ... ...
TW Wiin Technologies Co., Ltd. ... ... ...
TW Youth Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
TW SENYOUNG Insurance Agent Co., Ltd. ... ...
TW Senaolife Insurance Agent Co., Ltd. ... ...
TW Youyi Co., Ltd. ... ... ...
TW ISPOT Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
TW International Integrated Systems, Inc. ... ... ... ... ... ...
TW Unitronics Technology Corp. ... ... ... ...
TW TestPro Investment Co., Ltd. ...
TW NavCore Tech. Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
HK Donghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
HK Senao International HK Limited ...
HK Chunghwa Hsingta Co., Ltd. ...
HK International Integrated Systems(Hong Kong)Limited ...
CN Shanghai Chief Telecom Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
CN Shanghai Taihua Electronic Technology Limited ... ... ...
CN Su Zhou Precision Test Tech. Ltd. ... ... ... ... ...
AS Chief International Corp. ... ...
AS Chunghwa Precision Test Tech. International, Ltd. ...
AS Senao International (Samoa)Holding Ltd. ...
AS Infoexplorer International Co., Ltd. ...
US Chunghwa Precision Test Tech. USA Corporation ... ... ...
US Chunghwa Telecom Global, Inc. ... ... ... ... ...
SG Chunghwa Telecom Singapore Pte., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
JP Chunghwa Telecom Japan Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
JP CHPT Japan Co., Ltd. ... ...
VN Chunghwa Telecom Vietnam Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
TH Chunghwa Telecom (Thailand)Co., Ltd. ... ... ... ...
VG Prime Asia Investments Group Ltd. ...





租稅管轄區 收入 稅前(損)益 當期應付所得稅 已納所得稅 員工人數
臺灣 246,728 48,493 8,706 9,041 30,001-33,000
中國大陸 403 2 2 4 0-100
香港 1,264 81 0 0 0-100
美屬薩摩亞 22 12 0 0 0-100
美國 1,072 150 35 35 0-100
新加坡 1,801 227 7 7 0-100
日本 596 68 25 18 0-100
越南 86 -27 0 0 0-100
泰國 140 9 2 2 0-100
英屬維京群島 8 8 0 0 0-100


  • 有效稅率低於全球產業平均:中華電信集團超過96%以上之營收源自於臺灣,臺灣法定稅率20%低於全球產業平均
  • 有效稅率低於法定稅率:依據中華民國所得稅法第42條,營利事業投資國內其他營利事業,所獲配的股利淨額或盈餘淨額免徵所得稅,另母公司配合政府促進產業創新,改善產業環境,提升產業競爭力之政策,投入產業創新條例相關支出而獲租稅減免獎勵得以抵減稅額


項目 2022年 2023年 平均
稅前盈餘 47,229 46,993
所得稅費用 9,229 9,002
有效稅率 19.541% 19.156 % 19.3491%
支付所得稅 8,397 9,107
現金稅率 17.7793 % 19.3795 % 18.5771 %


  • 中華電信稅務政策 中華電信稅務政策.pdf
