Talent Development Results

We have allocated a large amount of resources to build open and diverse learning environments. Employees (part-time and fixed-term included) may take relevant certification courses in accordance with their needs, which effectively promotes the integration of employee career development and learning experience. The diversified training courses encompass six areas as follows:

  1. Manager & Supervisor Training
  2. Expertise & Technical Training
  3. Sales & Customer Service Training
  4. Occupational Health & Safety Training
  5. Information Technology Training
  6. E-learning

To align ourselves with the applications of emerging technologies, we continue to promote the "5G X ABC Employee Digital Empowerment Program." Through professional courses, we have laid out the 5G learning map through internal and external trainings in forms like digital general courses, in-person seminars, course certification, and livestreaming.

In 2023, 43 participants passed the certification of the emerging technology innovation business model and application programs for certification. 3,798 individuals were trained in courses of the 5G Technology Study series. 5G lecture series at NTU were organized on topics like "Development Trends and Applications of Generative Large Language Models," totaled 14 sessions with 1,769 participants. We have been committed to enabling employees to stay abreast of the latest ICT industry development trends, business opportunities, practices and actively preparing talents needed for 5G development.

CHT Talent Training and Development Results

Category Description of Benefits in 2023
In-person Courses Conduct an annual survey on the individual professional skill training needs of all employees prior to the training.
  • Average sessions opened per year: > 401sessions
  • 100% professional skills training survey tailored to individual employees annually
  • Total training hours: 1.376 million hours
  • Total training budget: > NT$511 million
  • Total number of trainees: 155,987 (2,167 sessions)
Internal and External Certification Courses
  • 91 internal/external certification courses, training a total of 3,585 individuals, of which 2,382 individuals obtained internal certifications, and 2,715 individuals obtained external professional certificates.
Skill Certification Full subsidy for employee certification fees
  • 569individuals subsidized, totaled more than NT$3.95 million
Certificate Bonus
  • To cultivate the emerging technology talent for the Company, we encourage employees to obtain relevant professional certificates and to actively apply such skills at work, to whom the Bonus of Application of Certified Skills to Relevant Work is awarded, with 99 recipients and NT$800,000 disbursed in total.
  • The Award of Further Study for Relevant Work with a prize of NT$10,000 and a medal is set up for 8 employees that obtained certification from the Training Institute or externally.
Lifelong Learning
  • Study allowances of up to NT$30,000 per semester
  • A maximum of 320 hours of official leave per semester to employee in a doctoral program; a one-time bonus of NT$120,000 awarded to employee that graduates in 4 years, and NT$60,000 the one that graduates in 5 years. 267 applicants for the off-duty study allowance in 2023 with a total NT$4,129,000 invested
Item 2021 2022 2023
Total training expenditure(NT$ thousand) 451,380 460,843 511,776
Training expenditure per capita(NT$) 22,294 23,043 25,579
Total training hours 1,148,601 1,152,937 1,376,482
Training hours per capita 57 58 69

Human Capital ROI

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Human Capital ROI 1.9067 2.0140 2.0232 2.0168
Total number of employees 20,930 20,247 19,999 20,008
Excellence & Innovation
Innovation Management
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