Sustainable Governance

Materiality Analysis Process

Issue Date:2023/06/29

Material Topic Identification Process

To ensure a comprehensive knowledge of and response to the challenges and opportunities related to sustainability/ESG, we have established a complete materiality analysis process, and invited internal and external stakeholders to review and discussion together. Thus, we hope that all stakeholders who care for the telecom industry and the advancement towards sustainable development of Chunghwa Telecom can focus more on ESG topics that Chunghwa Telecom is actively involved in and has its industrial influence on. This also helps Chunghwa Telecom to focus more on deepening the content of its actions and improving the quality of information disclosure.

  • Materiality assessment frequency: Once a year
  • Materiality process/material topic review and sign-off: Board members
  • Types of external stakeholders participating in the assessment: consumers, suppliers, competent authorities, NGO/NPO organizations
Materiality Assessment – External Stakeholder Engagement Process

A variety of communication and engagement interfaces are in place at Chunghwa Telecom. Different types of external stakeholders like competent government authorities, academia, non-profit organizations, consumers, suppliers, etc. are invited to jointly identify and assess ESG-related topics and offer their valuable opinions so as to further broaden the breadth of view for ESG topic determination. The engagement channels include:

  • Material topic survey on the corporate website: The “Materiality Survey” Section has been set up in the ESG section of the corporate website to invite external stakeholders to participate in the identification of ESG topics.
  • Stakeholder forums: Dialogues and exchanges are facilitated through organizing and participating in forums/seminars themed with ESG.
  • Interviews and questionnaires: The opinions and suggestions from external stakeholders are collected via interviews and questionnaires at various activities/conferences.
  • Community engagement: External stakeholders are invited via social media to partake and put forward their judgements and opinions on ESG topics.
Material Topics Matrix