Environmental Sustainability Actions

To live up to its commitment to environmental sustainability and march toward the goal of net-zero emissions, Chunghwa Telecom aims for becoming a “Green Enterprise.” The Company actively takes environmental sustainability actions, incorporates the environmental sustainability issues into the corporate operation, products, and services to strengthen the core competencies and guide the development of a low-carbon sustainable industry.

Action Dimension Results in 2023
  • 100% environmental information management with the self-developed EARTH system
  • The only telecom operator that obtained the BS 8001 circular economy verification
  • Certifications with ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO14046 and ISO 14064-1
  • The conformity check for the TCFD Recommendations on climate-related financial disclosures passed with the highest rating “Level 5: Excellence grade” for four consecutive years.
  • 5,557kWp of installed capacity of self-established Solar Power systems obtained
  • Successful promotion of self-built green base stations (solar powered) in the remote areas in mountains and coastal regions, or offshore islands, with the installed capacity totaled 101.8kW
  • Self-built green base station (wind powered) , tested by an international qualified institution and certified with CNS15176, offering a total installed capacity of 12kW
  • 439 service centers transformed into green stores
  • Syntrend Service Center in Taipei obtained the Carbon Label for Services of the Environmental Protection Administration
  • Paperless for various services, saving up to 621.56 million sheets of paper and reducing carbon footprints in services
  • Products with green marks/labels introduced, and the application collection services for energy-saving subsidy conducted in cooperation with county and city governments
  • FSC-certified Shopping bags in conformity to the environmental requirements
Supply Chain
  • First telecom operator in Taiwan that promotes supply chain sustainable management
  • With reference to ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement - Guidance’s framework for the ICT enterprise
  • Member of the international platform of CDP Supply Chain Program to increase the carbon management efficiency
  • NT$18,238 million of green procurement amount
  • An annual green procurement amount of 29.39% of the total procurement amount


To more efficiently manage all the environmental resources and energy efficiency performance, we successfully developed the Environment ARtificer THeurgy System, aka. the EARTH system, to effectively reduce costs in energy and raise environmental management efficiency.

Environmental Management Expenditure

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Environmental management costs(NT$ thousand) 329,126 330,550 348,375 365,284
Percentage in revenue(%) 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16


To fulfill the commitment to 100% IDCs using renewable energy and march toward the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, Chunghwa Telecom proactively invests in renewable development and deploy solar power plant. A total of 69 Solar Power systems installed across Taiwan with a total capacity of 5,557 kWp as of the end of 2023.


Chunghwa Telecom is the first telecom company with the first service center fully transformed into a green store in Taiwan. We encourage consumers to purchase green products first. Chunghwa Telecom’s revenue from green products was NT$346.78 million, accounting for 16% of revenue from its commercially available products.

Low Carbon Products and Avoided emissions for third-parties

Type of Products Low Carbon Product Avoided Emissions for Third-parties
Description MOD Set-top Box
  1. The number of MOD set-top boxes was 2,398,671 in total at the end of 2023, with approximately 39,000 units (consuming 8-10 W of power) replaced and 9,773 units increased compared to the total number in 2022.
  2. ISO 14067 carbon footprint certificate was obtained in February 2024.
IDCs and cloud services
  1. The IDCs of Chunghwa Telecom are green data centers with a high energy efficiency, far superior to that of the conventional IDCs, with the PUE at 1.63.
  2. 2. Over 12,000 chassis for users are under our management. Approximately 29.01 million kWh of electricity saved per year, equivalent to reducing carbon emissions by 14,361 t-CO2, for consumers by using the IDC services of Chunghwa Telecom, according to the data analysis of IDCs in 2022
% of Total Revenues* 21.98 41.47
Total Reduced/Avoided Emissions per Year 28.26 t-CO₂e 14,361 t-CO₂e

*Note: % of total revenues from climate-related product(s) in FY 2023

We promote the “paperless receipt service” comprehensively. As of 2023, the ratio of paperless receipts was over 73%. With 621 million sheets of paper saved, which is equivalent to 56,500 trees saved or 11,000 metric tons of carbon emissions reduced, we not only delivered protection of forest resources and biodiversity but also contributed to the global warming mitigation.

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sheets of paperless bills(in 10K) 1,968 1,994 2,039 2,072
Ratio of paperless bills(%) 71 71 72 73
Sheets of paper saved(in K) 590,000 590,000 611,603 621,560
Trees in conversion 53,673 54,382 55,600 56,505
Carbon emissions reduced(metric ton) 10,627 10,768 11,009 11,188

Supply Chain

As early as in 2008, we have been implementing “sustainable supply chain management action” as the first telecom operator that implemented the supply chain sustainability management. To strengthen the “sustainability level” throughout the supply chain, Chunghwa Telecom went first in the industry by securing two “Firsts in terms of Supply Chain”:

  • First ICT enterprise that launched the “sustainable supply chain” initiative, effectively connecting with authoritative sustainability organizations and partners around the globe to specifically respond to the UN SDGs together with our supplier partners.
  • First telecom operator in Taiwan that joined “CDP Supply Chain Program” to invite suppliers to fill out their carbon management information on the international platform, elevating the suppliers’ carbon management capabilities via the scientific, quantitative mechanism.


Chunghwa Telecom proactively puts the idea of “green procurement” into action. It procures green products with green labels (low in pollution, recyclable, resource efficient, or green building materials), self-declared, or with lower environmental impacts throughout their lifecycles (from resource procurement to disposal) first and actively partakes in green procurement initiatives and campaigns in an attempt to encourage the green consumption trend in the industry and the broader society.

Aiming for an annual 5% of green procurement, we work to raise the green procurement to 50% or more in the overall procurement amount in the future. Also, ISO 20400 sustainable procurement guidance has been introduced to strengthen and exercise the green practices of sustainable procurement through the ISO procurement management system.

2020 2021 2022 2023
Green procurement amount(NT$ million) 904 14,994 17,605 18,238
Percentage of green procurement amount(%) 1.08 22.37 28.67 29.39


  •  ISO 14067 Verification.pdf ISO 14067 Verification.pdf
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