Network Stability Protection

As the biggest integrated telecom service provider in Taiwan, Chunghwa Telecom not only ceaselessly engages in network construction, dedicated to offering the fastest and most stable network services in Taiwan, but also carries the responsibility of ensuring a stable, resilient external/internal communication that is fast and smooth nationwide.

Hence, we relentlessly improve the security protections of various critical infrastructure for communications. With the network redundancy and dispatching capacity combined, together with the core professional telecommunication competences in data and cybersecurity, we ensure the operation continuity of core businesses and smooth communications under threats or disasters through connections upstream and downstream as well as local joint defense strategies.

Information Equality Protection

To ensure information equality, we stress more on signal coverage in the rural areas besides an active boost of mobile network service quality in the densely populated urban areas. We have reached 100% 4G coverage in the rural areas of Taiwan.

In addition, we proactively respond to the national policy target of “2 Gbps network coverage reaching 90% by 2025” and “Smart Nation Program” (DIGI+) for equal development opportunities to all citizens to inspire innovative applications of digital economy, and complete ultra-broadband network construction in the rural areas. As of 2023, the ultra-broadband network coverage in the rural areas reached 66.82%.

Free Wi-Fi Access for All

Chunghwa Telecom has been proactively assisting the government in promotion of free Wi-Fi access for all. With a reasonable fee and a robust platform, combined with the maintenance and monitoring system 24/7, Wi-Fi hotspots are deployed nationwide to help the government achieve the goal of “Free Wi-Fi Access for All.”

No Lone Island in Rural Communications

Aside from the active efforts in network construction, we also stress on the mobile communication quality in the rural areas. The redundant trunks and redundant wireless routers are added and boosted constantly in the rural areas; the capacity of backup power supplies is elevated; the redundancy of resilient platforms is raised to 72 hours or above, so that the rural areas will not lose connections with the outside world owing to power outage from natural disasters.


Network Stability Maintenance Performance

2021 2022 2023
Mobile Network Fixed Line
Mean Time to Recovery for System( Min.) 0.0034 0.0059 0.0245 0
Mean Time Between Failure for System(Times) 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0
Mean Time to Recovery for Customer( Min.) 0 0 0 0

Network Outage Incidents and Coping Measures in 2023

Incident 1 Incident 2
Item Mobile communication obstacle in the Namasia District Obstacle of the 3G base station in Lianjiang County
Obstacle Summary More than half of the base stations in the Namasia District, Kaohsiung City out of service Users unable to access 3G voice and data services
Cause Accidental cut of fiber optic cable during construction work Accidental cut of fiber optic cable during construction
Corrective Add new equipment to build a redundant long-distance circuit in the mountainous area to prevent recurrence of similar obstacle. Enhance microwave circuit control and obstacle reporting procedures and manage via the “critical circuit reporting feature” to prevent disruptions to communication services.
Action Implemented A redundant optical fiber cable route was established along the access road of the Namasia District to offer physical dual-route redundancy in Namasia and strengthen the network resilience in the district. The impact analysis of system’s fiber optic cable rerouting was improved, and the microwave connections was adjusted and linked to land cables, to establish a dual-route protection architecture.
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Innovation Management
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