GHG Management System

In 2008, Chunghwa Telecom took a leading role in the industry by conducting a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory covering 100% of our operational sites. We used the Greenhouse Gas Protocol developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) as the inventory tool to establish a GHG emissions inventory. We obtained a verification statement from a third-party verifier (SGS-Taiwan), becoming the first telecommunications company in Taiwan to obtain ISO 14064-1 verification.


Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

The total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by CHT in 2023 is 2,479,027.7962 t-CO₂e, which include CO2、CH4、N2O、HFCs、PFCs、SF6、NF3. We did not emit PFCs, SF6, and NF3; therefore, the values thereof are 0.

  • The primary energy source for CHT operation is electricity. The GHG emissions mainly fall in the Scope 2 (purchased electricity), accounting for 97.15%
  • The Scope 1 accounting for 2.85% only. There was a slight decrease in the total emissions in 2023, dropped by 15.94% compared with 2020 levels, thanks to implementation of various energy efficiency and carbon reduction measures.
  • Scope 3 (Categories 3-6): 1,814,662.2596 t-CO₂e; total GHG emissions of Scope 1, 2, and 3 (Categories 1-6): 2,479,027.7962 t-CO₂e

Scope 1 and 2 Emissions

2020 2021 2022 2023
Direct Emissions (Scope 1)(t-CO₂e) 22,192.9316 17,887.4700 19,185.3151 18,874.8892
Indirect Emissions(Scope 2)(t-CO₂e) 768,128.0670 716,979.2586 694,912.7210 645,490.6474
Total Emissions(Scope 1 + Scope )(t-CO₂e) 790,320.9986 734,866.7286 714,098.0361 664,365.5366
Emission Intensity(t-CO₂e/million NTD) 4.42 4.11 3.92 3.52
Coverage as percentage in revenue(%) 100 100 100 100

1. An emission target of 710,000 metric tons, along with the challenge target of 675,000 metric tons, was set for 2023.
2. The Scope 2 emissions in the table above are calculated using a market-based approach.

Scope 2 Emissions


2020 2021 2022 2023 Target for 2023
Location-base 768,128.0670 716,979.2586 694,912.7210 681,871.5699 690,000
Market-base 768,128.0670 716,979.2586 694,912.7210 645,490.6474 675,000

Note: The data coverage is 100% of the group-wide operations and group-wide revenues.

Scope 3 Emissions

In 2023, In line with ISO 14064-1:2018 and with reference to the GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3), Chunghwa Telecom investigated the 15 GHG emissions from the related business activities in the upstream and downstream to inventory the Scope 3, 4, and 5, and the verification statement was obtained from TÜV SÜD Taiwan.

Scope 3 emissions 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Emissions( t-CO₂e ) 2,674,442.9309 1,916,216.5782 1,828,060.8890 1,814,662.2596
Categories Accounted 15 15 15 15

2023 Scope 3 Emission

Operations Value Chain Category Description Emissions(t-CO₂e)

3 Upstream transportation and distribution 1,332.5493
Downstream transportation and distribution 56.5917
Business travel 2,948.2363
Employee commuting 6,550.9741
4 Purchased goods and services 721,023.7360
Capital goods 471,191.2877
Fuel- and energy-related activities 130,772.6964
Waste generated in operations 936.1923
Upstream leased assets 17,728.1869

5 Use of sold products 449,619.6431
End-of-life treatment of sold products 594.9099
Downstream leased assets 10,346.9498
Processing of sold products N/A
Franchises N/A
Investments 1,560.3061
Total emissions 1,814,662.26

1. This table presents the emissions of each category based on the verification statement issued by the third party.
2. In 2023, the emission target was set at 1.82 million metric tons, with a challenge target of 1.772 million metric tons, by Chunghwa Telecom.
3. In 2022, Scope 3 was expanded to include the carbon emissions of consignment products sold in stores. According to the GHG Protocol classification, the carbon emissions generated include:(1.)Purchased goods and services, (4.)Upstream transportation and distribution, (9.)Downstream transportation and distribution, (11.)Use of sold products, (12.)End-of-life treatment of sold products. From 2022 onwards, the inventory includes the carbon emissions of consignment products. The retroactive carbon emissions of consignment products for 2021 amounted to a total of 459,381.23 t-CO2e.

Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Plan and Results

To cope with the climate change risks and introduce more benefits from energy saving and carbon reduction, Chunghwa Telecom formulated tangible energy saving and carbon reduction action plans. In addition to active energy efficiency improvement, through autonomous environmental measures and practices, it compiles and analyzes energy data for a science-based management.

Item Description

Energy Efficiency ImprovementM

  • Consolidation of IDC spaces for an effective utilization
  • Adoption of high-efficiency and energy-saving equipment to elevate the energy efficiency of IDCs
  • Reduction of the PUE of IDCs from 1.67 in the base year of 2020 annually to the target of a PUE of 1.50 or lower by 2030
  • Green building materials adopted for newly constructed IDCs or hostels
  • Recovery systems for rainwater, groundwater, and HVAC condensate installed for water resource recycling
  • Lighting of public areas in office buildings replaced with LED lights

Green Energy Introduction

  • Cumulative 5,557 kWp of installed PV capacity as of 2022
  • 73,541 Taiwan Renewable Energy Certificates (T-RECs) obtained in 2023

Telecom Facility Energy-Saving Plan

  • Stipulation of energy efficiency specs for equipment: stipulation of energy efficiency specs for the equipment necessary for telecom services in the procurement specifications
  • Energy-saving measures for telecom facilities: adjustment to equipment capacity as appropriate and equipment integration to reduce the overall power consumption of telecom facilities
  • Base station energy-saving: procurement of base stations with higher energy efficiency to replace the energy-demanding counterparts
  • Equipment replacement: Active introduction of NGN equipment to replace the old PSTN equipment and cut energy consumption

Autonomous Environmental Protection

  • First-and-only: Banqiao IDC certified to ISO 14046
  • Phase-out of old vehicles with newly procured energy efficient green vehicles; introduction of electric vehicles
  • Assistance in establishment of YouBike Station at the Xinyi-Hangzhou intersection
  • Clean Homeland, Energy Efficient Offices, Car-free Day, Office Document Automation System (ODAS)
  • Energy Efficiency Service: to assist the SMEs and the vulnerable groups in energy efficiency improvement
  • Industrial waste recycling target setting

Value-added Products & Services

  • First-and-only in the industry: Carbon neutral Syntrend Store with EPA Carbon Label for Services as well as certifications to ISO 14067 and PAS 2060
  • E-bill: promoted along with business marketing for environmental protection and carbon reduction
  • E-invoice: invoices stored in the cloud permanently that saves materials and labor, along with tax-saving and penalty-free from the government
  • Intelligent Energy Network Service and promotion of energy-efficient products
  • Mobile device recycling: via the trade-in activity at the stores and recycle bins installed to the service centers in line with the promotion for waste recycling in 2023, achieving a reuse percentage of 91.42% with a total of 11.551 metric tons recovered
  • Green Stores: 439 service centers nationwide transformed into “Green Stores”
  • Collaboration with SALcE to promote sustainability partner (products, services, and organizations) certification


  • Chunghwa Telecom 2023 GHG Verificatio書.pdf Chunghwa Telecom 2023 GHG Verificatio.pdf
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