Employee Development Programs

Diverse employee development programs that realize benefits in both business and human resources are in place at Chunghwa Telecom to ensure our sustainable development in business and human resources alike. The employee development programs offer a wealth of career development opportunities for our employees to live up to their talent and potential in the workplace, so as to achieve a win-win of personal professional development and corporate business value enhancement.

Program 1 Description
Name ESG Environmental Sustainability Training
Description of the program CHT organized 346 ESG-related training courses in 2023, training nearly 40,000 employees. Working with the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE), CHT organized the Corporate Sustainability Manager Certification Training Program to encourage employees with an interest in ESG-related work to participate in training and obtain certification. A total of 156 Corporate Sustainability Manager Certificates from TAISE and 15 international certificates of CDMP were obtained. The training contents are as follows:
  • The Industrial Net-zero Development Program covered the sustainable development concepts and trends of ESG, carbon neutrality and carbon credits, industrial net-zero development trends and ESG opportunities, with a total of 131 employees involved.
  • The GHG Inventory Technology and Management Program covered net-zero transformation targets and action plans, introductions and practical exercises, introduction to management platforms and products, and introduction to Energy Operation Center(EOC), with a total of 104 employees involved; the GHG Inventory and Calculation Practice Program trained 53 employees who are actually engaged in calculation for GHG inventory.
  • In line with the ESG promotion policy of the Company, “corporate sustainability” ESG professionals were cultivated, and the Corporate Sustainability Manager Certification Training Program was conducted with 110 individuals successfully certified.
  • “GHG Emissions Inventory Technical Audit and Verification” program was conducted for the certificates of establishment and auditor accredited by BSI for ISO 14064-1 organization-level GHG Emissions Inventories and Verification, with a total of 108 employees trained.
Business benefits of the program
  • CHT upholds practice of climate-related action plans. Apart from being the first to commit to a 50% carbon emissions reduction by 2030, 100% EV100 by 2030, 100% RE100 by 2040, and Net Zero by 2050, the Company also had its near-term targets validated by the SBTi in 2023, effectively integrating energy conservation and carbon reduction measures into its daily operations. In terms of biodiversity, CHT has been committed to achieving Net Positive Impact on biodiversity and Zero Net Deforestation by 2030.
  • Through the “ESG Environmental Sustainability Training” programs, CHT organized a series of ESG-related courses to internalize ESG as the DNA of corporate employees. Meanwhile, the programs cultivated brilliant “corporate sustainability ESG” professionals for the Company, improved the corporate performances against various ESG benchmark indicators, and promoted internal net-zero commitments and carbon reduction practices, with remarkable outcomes generated as a result.
Business benefits
  • The cultivation of GHG inventory talents and promoting of carbon reduction via technology supported emission reduction by 112,000 tons in 2023, with a 14% decrease compared to the base year, exceeding the set target.
  • The Corporate Sustainability Manager Certification Training Program cultivated employees’ ESG competencies, enabling CHT to achieve the ESG targets in 2023 as follows:
    (1). 60.22 million kWh (38.1%) of renewable energy used by IDCs, achieving the target of 30 million kWh by 200%
    (2). The digital empowerment targets, including empowering 18,000 disadvantaged individuals, achieving the target of 13,000 by 137%, and empowering 97,000 SMEs, achieving the target of 74,000 by 131%
    (3). “AA” for MSCI ESG Ratings achieved ahead of schedule (originally set for 2025)
  • Support in passing the TCFD recommendations conformity check, with the highest level, Level 5: Excellence, along with the “Net-Zero Label” from the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TANZE) on October 25, 2023.
% of FTEs participating in the program


Program 2 Description
Name Cultivation of AI-related Professional Competencies
Description of the program The internal sources of all fields at the company have been mobilized. Employees’ AI-related professional competencies were improved by the AI talent training programs, with emphasis on customer services, business writing, and programming to improve productivity at work. In addition, an active development of innovative applications is encouraged to assist the Company in developing innovative application services or products, driving the AI-related business development of the Company. In 2023, 22 AI-related basic courses were organized with 1,416 participants, 39 advanced courses with 5,515 participants, and 47 professional courses with 3,290 participants. The training contents include:
  • AI Training Course: 16 sessions of “Introduction to the Theories of Large Language Model” were designed, covering contents from basic principles to hands-on practices, to lay a solid foundation of AI expertise for employees, with 933 participants trained.
  • AI Forum: “AI-related Forward-looking Technology and Application Challenge Forum” was organized in Taiwan, inviting experts from industry, government, and academia to probe into the measures enterprises should take in response to the maturity and dissemination of AI technology.
  • AI Certification Course: “AI-related Machine Learning & Data Analysis Professional Training” was organized with 40 employees certified.
  • Internal AI Competition: An internal AI competition was held to encourage employees to apply what they have learned.
  • AI Seminar: The risk management needs associated with AI were explored to ensure the “trustworthiness” of AI.
Business benefits of the program
  • The network operation efficiency was enhanced by means of AI technology, facilitating the delivery of high-quality services to and creating value for customers.
  • Customer needs were swiftly responded through the intelligent customer services, rewarded with customer loyalty.
  • The AI momentum was accumulated to give rise to the next engine of business growth for the Company (e.g., development of AI value-added services), thereby impacting the overall revenue and profitability of the Company in the medium to long term.
  • The technical capacity with AI for cybersecurity and privacy protection has been elevated at CHT, reducing the risk of cybersecurity incidents.
Business benefits
  • Network Operation & Maintenance:
    (1). AI Diagnosis of Network Degradation: Actively identified potential optical interface degradation issues with an accuracy at 71%, saving NT$10.07 million in annual manual maintenance costs
    (2). Automatic Circuit Planning: AI-assisted automatic circuit planning saved 66.6 man-days per month compared to manual circuit planning
    (3). Intelligent Network Management: Regular detection of underperforming equipment resolved over 100,000 units yearly
    (4). Intelligent Provisioning: Saved approx. NT$40 million in deployment per year
  • Document/Code Generation:
    (1). Coding Assistant: Reduced manpower in development by 36.8%
    (2). SDLC Documentation Generation Assistant: AI-generated service proposals and specifications, saving the writing time by 15%
  • Internal AI Business Transformation: AI-powered intelligent Q&A technology delivered a chatbot that offers quick Q&A customer services, which has served over 15 million calls in total and improved staff efficiency.
% of FTEs participating in the program


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