Sustainability Vision & Strategies

After the official privatization in 2005, Chunghwa Telecom taps into the core business competencies in line with the ICT development and the challenge of rapid changes in the environmental and social issues. With “Pilot Smart Living; Facilitate Sustainable Development” as its vision, it allocates six capitals into five focused areas of sustainability to elevate the corporate operation and service performance; facilitate the momentum for industrial transformation toward sustainability with improvement of values for shareholders and corporate sustainability; and boost the competitiveness of the ICT industry in Taiwan to guide the broader society to a digital life of sustainability!

The Four Core Values of Corporate Governance

Value Description
Integrity Criteria: Be honest, abide by the law, and keep our promises
  • All employees (from the Board Chair through to grassroots-level employees) must act with integrity and handle matters prudently, and none shall fail to adhere to standard operating procedures or contracts without authorization for their own convenience or personal gain.
  • Adherence to the company’s organizational charter and government laws and regulations is a minimum requirement, and engagement in commercial activities shall be held to the highest ethical standards.
Trust Criteria: Put the customer first – give priority to customer service
  • We provide individualized solutions for customers who use the Company’s products and services to meet customer needs and forge longstanding relationships built on trust.
  • We listen to customers with humility, and do our utmost to learn about and resolve any unmet needs (customer wants).
Innovation Criteria: Step outside of the comfort zone to forge new ways of thinking and doing
  • Technology, process, and management innovation is not solely about thinking up ideas. It is the pursuit of access to new customers and new markets in new areas and the creation of company value.
  • We have the courage to accept new assignments, to challenge new frontiers, and to venture into new territories.
Accountability Criteria: Deliver results, and have the courage to take responsibility
  • If we foresee that we will have difficulties meeting commitments, we draft feasible alternatives in advance to solve the problem.
  • We stay true to our word, hold ourselves accountable for the promises we make, and ensure the delivery of outcomes that best serve the interests of the company.

6 Sustainability Capitals

Excellence & Innovation
Innovation Management
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