Workforce Structure

As of 2023, there are more than 20,000 employees at Chunghwa Telecom with an average age of nearly 46 years old. Meanwhile, there were also over 1,300 voluntarily severed or retired (accounting for 6.6% of the total workforce). In the next 5 years, nearly 4,000 employees are expected to leave due to reaching the age for retirement. In the following 10 years, 1/3 of the workforce will reach retirement age. This wave of retirements will also include the incumbent executives.

In response to the foreseeable workforce changes, we are actively promoting diverse talent acquisition strategies. In addition to recruiting entry-level personnel to supplement our core business workforce, we are also gradually expanding the recruitment of elite talent for emerging businesses. As such, we are actively engaged in internal actions for talent development and functional transfer so as to strengthen and consolidate our human capital.

CHT Workforce Recruitment Overview

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
New hires(individual) 909 1,180 1,510 1,584
Open vacancies filled by internal staff (internal recruitment)(%) 33% 38% 29% 30%
Average cost per hire(NT$) 14,091 6,824 4,704 4,781

CHT Workforce Structure

Item Total Number of Employees in 2023: 20,008 Employees
Male(individual) Male(%) Female(individual) Female(%)
Total Number of Employees 13,960 69.7721 6,048 30.2279
≤ 29 1,346 6.7273 382 1.9092
30~50 7,635 38.1597 2,723 13.6096
≥ 51 4,979 24.885 2,943 14.7091

Organization Restructuring

In response to the fierce competitive environment, rapid technical development, and ceaseless innovation of business model for emerging services, Chunghwa Telecom carried out its organization restructuring in 2022.

For its employees to understand the purpose and necessity of the organization restructuring, at least 400 sessions of communication and briefing sessions and 12 workers' union communication meetings were held annually. Also, the communication website for organization restructuring was launched in June 2021. Our employees can send their opinions via the website, which will be responded by relevant units.

The organization restructuring of the Company was a structural adjustment to the affiliated relationships between institutions and units, without any impact to the labor rights of employees or the relevant labor terms, and the Company did not lay off employees due to this organization restructuring. The Company also assists its employees in adaptation of the organization operation after the restructuring and respects their career developments and plans, so that employees can put their talents and strengths in good use on the positions fit for them, realizing their self-worth and CHT's corporate vision.

HR Metrics

New Hires in 2023

Item Number of people % of total Employees % of Employees in Each Category
Number of new hires 1,584 - 7.9168
Number of new hires separated 31 1.9571 -
Gender Male 1,196 75.5051 8.5673
Female 388 24.4949 6.4153
Age ≤ 29 698 44.0657 40.3935
30~50 881 55.6187 8.5055
≥ 51 5 0.3157 0.0631

Note: New hire rate = Number of New Hires /Number of end-year-employees for each category.

New Hires over the Years

Onboard Year Age Male Female Total
2020 <30 303 112 415
30-50 422 72 494
>50 0 0 0
2020 total 725 184 909
2021 <30 340 69 409
30-50 660 107 767
>50 4 0 4
2021 total 1,004 176 1,180
2022 <30 397 129 526
30-50 776 202 978
>50 4 2 6
2022 total 1,177 333 1,510
2023 <30 536 162 698
30-50 656 225 881
>50 4 1 5
2023 total 1,196 388 1,584
Total 4,102 1,081 5,183

Employee Turnover/Retired in 2023

Gender Male(individual) Male(%) Female (individual) Female (%)
Number of Employee Turnover/retired 134(0.6697 % of total employee)
≤ 29 22 1.6345 11 2.8796
30~50 70 0.9168 26 0.9548
≥ 51 4 0.0803 1 0.034


  1. Turnover rate = number of employees separated or retired/number of end-year-employee for each category.
  2. 134 employees separated (0.67% of total number of employees) in 2023.

Employee Turnover

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total turnover rate(%) 8.06 9.2 8.06 6.92
Voluntary turnover rate(%) 7.82 9.02 7.87 6.74
Data coverag(%) 100 100 100 100

Note: The voluntary turnover rate of employees is mainly due to the high number of retirement. The percentages are 6.30%, 7.03%, 5.90% and 5.14% from 2020 to 2023, respectively.

Employee Turnover(by Age)

Item Age 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total turnover rate(%) <30 0.18 0.29 0.18 0.18
30-50 0.43 0.45 0.71 0.51
>50 7.45 8.46 7.18 6.24
Voluntary turnover rate(%) <30 0.18 0.28 0.18 0.16
30-50 0.38 0.44 0.66 0.47
>50 7.27 8.30 7.04 6.11

Employee Turnover (by Gender)

Item Gender 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total turnover rate(%) Male 6.54 7.45 6.64 5.53
Female 1.52 1.75 1.42 1.39
Voluntary turnover rate(%) Male 6.34 7.30 6.49 5.39
Female 1.49 1.72 1.39 1.35

Internal Recruit of Employees

Item (Unit: people) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of open position 229 193 383 1,287 842
Number of internal candidates hired 61 63 146 371 249
Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates 26.6376 % 32.6425% 38.1201% 28.8267% 29.5724%
Male 42 44 96 221 185
Female 19 19 50 150 64
<30 3 6 5 6 2
30-50 56 44 120 290 215
>50 2 13 21 75 32
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