Sustainable Development Organization

To ensure an ongoing, proactive corporate contributions on sustainable development, and to fulfill the expectations of diverse stakeholders, Chunghwa Telecom has established the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee under the board of directors as the highest governing unit for Chunghwa Telecom 's sustainable development efforts. With Chairman as the Convener, the committee is all composed of directors with more than 50% being independent directors.

To live up to its sustainability/ESG vision and strategies, Chunghwa Telecom established the Sustainable Development Promotion Committee, organized by the management department and with the Chief Sustainability Officer serving as the chairperson. It consists of four working groups: Environmental Group, Social Group 1, Social Group 2, and Governance Group. The committee stays abreast of the sustainable development trends and dynamics at home and abroad, promotes proper action plans, and regularly reports to the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee, and aims to continuously create value for stakeholders.


Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee

In 2023, the Board of Directors of Chunghwa Telecom resolved to integrate the Sustainable Development Committee with the Strategy Committee into the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee, which was elevated to be a functional committee under the board of directors.

The committee convenes quarterly to provides strategic guidance on the sustainable development vision, long-term policies and management principles, as well as medium to long-term objectives. (For committee members and organizational regulations, please refer to Board Committees).

Sustainable Development Promotion Committee

To incorporate the sustainability/ESG strategies into daily business activities, the Sustainable Development Promotion Committee is established under the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee, composed of the management department and aims to adhere to the Company's overall sustainable development strategy. It promotes various sustainable action plans with “Sustainable Transformation; Low-carbon Net Zero” at the core to create a better living environment for future generations and to contribute more to the sustainable development of industry and society.

Item Description
  • Chairman of the Board (Chief Sustainability Officer)
  • Undertakes the strategies directed by the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee, drives various action plans, coordinates the division of work, and monitors the progress of implementation.
  • Quarterly, it reports to the board of directors on important issues, stakeholder communication outcomes, achievements in sustainable development promotion, and progress towards goals. Annually, it provides reports to the board of directors' Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee on the promotion of sustainable business activities.
  • The Secretariat is composed of the Corporate Communications Department and the Corporate Planning Department. Externally, it is responsible for ESG report and information disclosure, various ratings and awards, participation in exhibitions, and media communications. Internally, it manages cross-group collaboration, goal setting and tracking, and performance evaluation design.
  • The ESG working groups set annual goals and KPIs, collaborating with subsidiaries and affiliated institutions to drive and implement various sustainable development initiatives.
Meeting Frequency
  • The Promotion Committee meets semi-annually, cross-group meetings are held quarterly, and working group meetings take place monthly.
Key Sustainability Performance
  • 2045 Net Zero target validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • Participation in the EV100 initiative, committing to achieving 100% electrification of directly controlled fleets for all company cars by 2030
  • Continuous implementation of internal carbon pricing with 111 innovative proposals submitted, 51 approved, and approximately NT$700 million were granted in 2024
  • Carbon footprint verification of 443 directly operated stores across Taiwan
  • Advancement in Net Zero and sustainability expertise, with 81 senior executives obtaining ISO 14064-1 international certification for carbon footprint verification
  • In collaboration with the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy in the "Net Zero Manager and Biodiversity Certification Training Program "with 42 employees participating and obtaining the certification
  • Continuous advocacy in biodiversity, including implementing Hundred-Species Restoration Project, installing AI Ecological Observation System for Black-faced Spoonbill Habitats, and hosting "No Net Loss and Zero Net Deforestation Forum", etc.
  • Publication of 2023 TNFD report in both Chinese and English
  • Cultivation of 127 certified citizen scientists for tree carbon, incorporating scientific expertise in corporate volunteer programs
  • Continuous enhancements to employee benefits through six incentive measures, including salary increases, meal allowances, enhanced ESOT rewards, promotion encouragement, higher employee compensation ratios, and one-time bonuses
  • Enhancement of childcare benefits:
    (1.) daily working hours reduced by 1 hour for employees with children aged 6 and under
    (2.) continuous expansion of on-site childcare centers
    (3.) childbirth subsidies of NT$80,000 per child
    (4.) 13-week (91 calendar days) maternity leave
  • Promotion of the Digital Care Program, helping over 7 thousand individuals from diverse groups achieve digital equity and enhance their digital skills
  • Supporting over 35 thousand small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in building digital environments and developing digital capabilities
  • Offering thoughtful programs and friendly customer service (sign language, video, and senior-friendly support), benefiting approximately 710 thousand individuals
  • Establishment of Taiwan Senior Heart School to empower people with disabilities to become digital instructors and support seniors in digital learning
  • Linking ESG performance indicators with senior managers' 25% variable compensation, and expanding the scope to nearly 100 executives
  • Enhanced corporate governance with disclosing board members’ remuneration individually
  • Introduction of ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management system

Sustainability Oversight Results of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Chunghwa Telecom plays a crucial role in supervising the Company’s promotion of sustainable development initiatives. It ensures the alignment between Chunghwa Telecom's sustainable/ESG strategies and action plans with the Company's sustainable development goals by means of regular review and performance assessment.

Year Meeting Oversight Matters
2024 The 9th, 11th, 12th and 13th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors
  • Important sustainability results, awards, progresses on targets and key issues of each quarter in 2023 and 2024
  • Summary Reports of the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee Meetings
  • Results of GHG Inventory of Chunghwa Telecom Group
The 9th, 10th, 12th Meeting and the 3rd Interim Meeting of the Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee under the 10th Board of Directors
  • 2024 Sustainable Development Promotion Strategies
  • 4 sessions of ESG project report

Internalization & Communication of Sustainability

To ensure that all employees of Chunghwa Telecom across Taiwan understand the spirit of corporate sustainability and actively implement it while providing timely feedback and suggestions, we have established multiple communication channels within the company. Through these channels, we promote relevant issues and integrate them into our performance evaluation mechanism. This allows us to translate sustainability concepts into actionable steps and effectively incorporate them into our daily operations.

Channel Name Action
Executive Communication Senior Management Meeting The material issues of sustainability are regularly submitted to the senior management meeting for discussion before resolutions adopted to improve directions and goals of development.
Employee Communication Enterprise Information Portal Chunghwa Telecom provides internal websites/systems for employees to submit suggestions or innovative ideas, allowing us to gather feedback and ideas from our employees. We also have an employee forum where they can openly express their opinions and concerns. Additionally, we have established channels for public complaints and reports, ensuring that employees have access to a designated platform for reporting any misconduct or issues.
Employee Training Environmental Training 5G Plastic Free Environmental Education for volunteer training was conducted in cities such as Taichung and Kaohsiung to communicate the ideas of environmental sustainability.
Corporate Sustainability Education and Training The Corporate sustainability-related courses are conducted, and external consultants are invited for education and exchange in line with the international trends every year.
New Recruit Training Chunghwa Telecom conducts digital training courses and growth camps for new employees to educate them on corporate values, personnel policies, work rules, and labor-management relations. These programs aim to provide comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the company's culture, values, and operational guidelines. By equipping new employees with this information, we ensure they are well-prepared to integrate into the organization, align with its mission, and contribute to its success. These training initiatives also promote a positive and inclusive work environment and foster strong employee engagement and satisfaction.
e-Learning Courses, timely information, and announcements are available to the employees anytime on the e-Learning system.
Annual Appraisal Administrative Sustainability Performance The sustainable development goals are incorporated in the annual management performance evaluation as the basis for departmental implementation performance appraisal.
Online Test on CoC Promotion and tests on the Code of Conduct, Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles, and Insider Trading Prevention are conducted yearly.
Reporting mechanism Employees in violation of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the corporate regulations upon verified as true.
Others Sustainability ESG Report Workshop Chunghwa Telecom periodically conducts analysis of the latest external reports on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) trends. These analyses are shared during internal meetings to enhance employees' awareness and understanding of sustainability development trends. By staying informed about industry trends and best practices in ESG, employees can actively contribute to the company's sustainability initiatives and align their work with broader environmental and social goals. This practice fosters a culture of continuous learning and promotes a collective commitment to responsible business practices across the organization.
Official Website and Social Media Chunghwa Telecom has established an "ESG Section" on its official website and YouTube channel. The company has also set up a Facebook fan page specifically focused on ESG topics.


  •   Sustainable Development Best-Practice Principles of Chunghwa Telecom
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