Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy Strategies

Chunghwa Telecom incorporated the “corporate citizenship and philanthropy” into the overall business plan. Prior to actions of corporate citizenship and philanthropy, the community benefits and business benefits potentially generated will be evaluated and set. Then, the contributions and results (SROI) of the corporate citizenship and philanthropy will be quantified for a proper allocation of social engagement resources to deepen the social engagement values and impacts.


Philanthropic Strategies with Operational Benefits

Priority SDG Aligned Relation with the Corporate Operational Benefits
Universal Service Construction
  • CHT is the largest telecom operator in Taiwan. Hence, building sufficient telecom infrastructure and maintain broadband network’s service quality are closely associated with the corporate revenue and image.
  • Over NT$590 million is allocated per year in universal service to continue to construct networks in the rural areas to fulfill the vision of information equality in Taiwan
Promotion of 5G Commercialization and Innovative Applications
  • 5G commercialization and innovative applications are actively promoted to created job opportunities and encourage creativity and innovation with industrial development at the core.
  • CHT is the first operator to engage 5G commercialization in Taiwan. Through innovative smart living applications and services as well as universal service, the general public can access affordable telecom infrastructure and services.
  • With the Form Alliances strategy, we join hands with partners across sectors for active deployment and development of new forms of digital living applications.
Promotion of Supply Chain Carbon Management Action
  • CHT improves the productivity as well as energy/resource efficiencies of enterprises in Taiwan via the 5G, IoT, and Big Data applications.
  • CHT joined the “CDP Supply Chain Program” in 2018. Through carbon management education, mentorship, and inventory, hundreds of suppliers are guided from understanding risks and opportunities in climate change to instituting effective carbon management and mechanisms step by step.

Results of the Year

Results of Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy Investment

Unit: NTD

Category 2023
Contribution in cash 268,826,992
Contribution in products/services 732,193,146
Management Costs 215,042,043
Corporate volunteering costs 140,620,105
Total 1,356,682,286
Corporate volunteering service hours(hours) 5,565
Percentage in revenue(%) 0.06
Excellence & Innovation
Innovation Management
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