Employee Development Strategy

With the corporate philosophy of “core competency, professionalism, efficiency, and service” at the core, we continue to promote “internal + external innovative talent cultivation action.”

To help employees with all-round development, we established a sound training mechanism. Through the “demand analysis” and “detailed planning” before training and the performance assessment and review after, employees strengthen their professional skills and boost their work efficiency through facilitation of the systematic mechanism, which is also associated with the efficiency of corporate operation.

Talent Cultivation System

New Employee Training

For the new employees to understand the corporate vision, philosophy, values, culture and features as well as rapidly adapt to the requirements and environment at work, we have stipulated “New Recruit Counseling Guidelines for Chunghwa Telecom and Subordinate Institutions” and established the “new recruit mentorship and cultivation system” to accelerate the new employees’ speed to be work-ready through the e-Learning courses in line with the learning habit in the digital era.

In-service Training

We built a function-oriented training system that is divided into professional function and managerial function. The dedicated training institute, Chunghwa Telecom Training Institute, has been set up to offer systematic, hierarchical trainings for employees.

Through the training institute, advanced studies, self-organized trainings, external trainings etc., allow employees to undertake various management trainings and development of professional skills. Meanwhile, e-training is available with e-training combined. Also, through the online satisfaction survey mechanism, the training results are accurately captured. The subjects for development include 100% of the part-time and fixed-term employees.

At the same time, we encourage employees lifelong learning by offering study allowances of up to NT$30,000 per semester. In 2023, additional directions were promulgated, offering a maximum of 320 hours of official leave per semester to employee in a doctoral program. Also, a one-time bonus of NT$120,000 is awarded to employee that graduates in 4 years, and a one-time bonus of NT$60,000 to the one that graduates in 5 years. Relevant on-the-job training results includes:

  1. Employee training results: Up to 1,376,000 hours spent on employee trainings at Chunghwa Telecom in 2023 with a total training cost of NT$511,776,000 and the average training cost per person of NT$25,579
  2. Advanced studies and certificate training allowances: 267 applicants for the off-duty study allowance in 2023 with a total NT$4,129,000 invested, including allowances for advanced studies, academic diploma, or licenses/certificates, which 100% covered all employees

Executive Succession Plans

Through the objective selection and evaluation mechanisms, we identify candidates, conduct “Individual Development Plan, IDP”, and provide mentor guidance for candidates to develop their business operations and leadership skills.

Regarding the talents for succession, Chunghwa Telecom comprehensively assesses and plans for aspects like the vacancies left by retirees each year, the bench strength(approximately 2-3 times), the focused areas for development, and the gender equality emphasis. Executive Development Plan(EDP)and Talent Development Plan(TDP)are in place to develop candidates for succession in the 3-5 years to come.

Results of the Succession Plans

2021 2022 2023
EDP - 34 persons 20 persons
TDP 77 persons 77 persons 45 persons

Average Training Hours/Amount in Different Types of Training

Types of Training Total Hours(hr) Total Cost (Thousand NTD) Average Training(hr) Average Training Cost per Capita(Thousand NTD)
Manager & Supervisor Training 159,061 59,122 7.95 2.95
Expertise & Technical Training 256,278 95,284 12.81 4.76
Sales & Customer Service Training 42,894 15,948 2.14 0.80
Occupational Health & Safety Training 78,570 29,212 3.93 1.46
Information Technology Training 300,585 111,758 15.02 5.59
E-learning 539,139 200,452 26.95 10.02
Total 1,376,527 511,776 68.80 25.58

1. The Average Training Hours is calculated on the basis of 20,008 individuals in 2023.
2. The Average Training Cost per Capita is calculated on the basis of 20,008 individuals in 2023

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