Water Resources Management

In terms of water use, it is primarily the water use for purposes of general washing and cooling air-conditioning. Chunghwa Telecom effectively keeps records of water use with the self-developed EARTH system and reviews such on a regular basis. Also, abnormal water use is managed in a real-time fashion. In addition, centralized water bill payment and management are implemented across all operating sites.

To effectively manage and control the use of water resources, we have combined IoT-based information and communication technologies to develop the “Intelligent Water Resource Management Platform.” The platform includes multiple feature modules, including water meter data reading, data collection and storage, alarm management, statistical analysis, predictive analysis, system management, maintenance, etc. Using this intelligent platform to monitor water use in real-time, we effectively achieve our annual water conservation goal.


Water Consumption

Unit: million cubic meters

Water Withdrawal 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target for 2023
Water Withdrawal 2.297 2.170 2.175 2.168 2.146
Water Discharge 0.680 0.598 0.566 0.635
Total Net Fresh Water Consumption 1.617 1.572 1.609 1.533

1. The data scope covers 100% of operational sites.
2. Water Withdrawal: Currently, only municipal water usage is calculated. After implementing ISO 46001, both municipal and groundwater usage will be included.
3. Water Discharge: Currently calculated using domestic water usage plus recycled water. In the future, following the results of ISO 46001, it will be calculated by subtracting water usage and reused water from the total water withdrawal.

Unit: metric ton

2020 2021 2022 2023
Domestic water use 679,629 598,435 566,165 634,908
HVAC water use 1,617,960 1,571,508 1,609,038 1,533,227
Reclaimed water 2,777 1,534 7,453 4,143

1. Air Conditioning Water: Primarily used for cooling towers.
2. Recycled Water: Collected and reused water that would otherwise be discharged.

Water Efficiency Management

To ensure an efficient use of water resources and enhance sustainable competitiveness, we have set the target of reducing water consumption by 1% yearly (with 2020 as the base year). Through water audits, performance evaluations, execution and optimization of daily management of water equipment, implement the essence of ISO 46001:2019 with the process of PDCA and continuous improvement and other measures, and other measures, we aim to improve water use efficiency, reduce water consumption, and lower water costs.

Elements of Management Programs Description
Implement of ISO 46001 water resource efficiency management systems
  • Water balance diagram of water inflow and discharge as a tool to monitor water usage
  • Conducting supervision, measurement and performance evaluation based on water usage indicators we extracted through the process of ISO 46001:2019
Install smart water meters
  • The intelligent water resources management system has been developed, utilizing smart water meters and flow equipment to monitor water use in office areas and IDC buildings. Water consumption information is automatically fed back to the platform for analysis, enabling the real-time water consumption monitoring as well as the prompt identification and implementation of appropriate water-saving measures.
Water Use Assessment
  • The self-developed EARTH system is used for water use management and analysis across all operating sites.
  • Regularly inspect sites with high water consumption, and conduct action plans to decrease water consumption
  • Make an inventory of water usage related equipments, and establish management methodology in daily life
Actions to Reduce Water Consumption
  • Install spray faucets to washbasins to reduce water flow.
  • Retrofit toilets into two-stage flush toilets to reduce the water for flushing.
  • Set fixed on/off time for the water supply in office buildings.
  • Adhere to the principle of conservation in water use, eliminating any waste of water resources.
  • Contact maintenance personnel promptly for any damage to water supply equipment to avoid prolonged water wastage.
  • Utilize harvested rainwater for the greenery irrigation at the Company.
Actions to Improve Wastewater Quality Install greywater systems to new buildings to collect and treat domestic wastewater to the specified water quality standards for reuse within a certain range for non-potable or non-body-contact purposes.
Application of water recycling
  • Recycling of water in data centers: Besides recycling cooling tower water and air conditioning condensate, a rainwater harvesting system will be installed in data centers to supply water for irrigation in gardens.
  • Recycling of water in offices: An underground raft foundation rainwater harvesting system will be installed to collect clean rainwater from roofs and ground surfaces. Additionally, a condensate water recovery device will be installed in the office air conditioning system to recycle water for tree irrigation and campus cleaning.
Awareness training provided to employees on water efficiency management programs Organize employee training in three categories annually in the spirit of and in accordance with the provisions of the ISO 46001:2019 Water Efficiency Management System, enabling employees to apply knowledge and action plans to daily operations, thereby conserving water resources and reducing consumption.
Establishment of targets to reduce water use Set the target of 1% reduction yearly for water use management, with 2020 as the base year.


  • Water Resource Efficiency Management Plan of Chunghwa Telecom Company, Ltd. Water Resource Efficiency Management Plan of Chunghwa Telecom Company, Ltd..pdf
  • Third-party verification statement Third-party verification statement
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