Waste Management Strategies

Chunghwa Telecom recognizes the importance of resource reduction, recycling, and reuse. Apart from stipulation of the relevant reduction plan and target, it adheres to the 5R Principle for waste reduction. Combined with the self-developed EARTH system, use and disposal of various resources are properly managed. The recyclable and non-recyclable wastes as well as the disposal procedures are managed systematically.

Regarding waste disposal, the general domestic waste is commissioned to professional clearance service providers for incineration. As for the recyclable wastes, the contracted cleaning service providers shall help with the recycling, maximizing the reuse of resources.

Waste Disposal

Unit: ton

2020 2021 2022 2023 Target for 2023
Waste recycled/reused 3,846.6950 5,455.5190 5,220.0486 5,179.5849
Total waste disposed 3,498.1613 3,414.4116 1,912.969 1,875.1916 1,800
Waste landfilled 0 0 0 0
Waste incinerated with energy recovery 3,484.2413 3,369.5316 1,912.969 1,875.1916
Incinerated without energy recovery 0 0 0 0
Waste otherwise disposed:Outsourcing 13.92 44.88 0 0
Waste with unknown disposal method 0 0 0 0
Data Coverage(%) 100 100 100 100

Waste Management Programs

The telecom industry generates wastes in daily operations, including waste paper, electronic waste, and packaging materials. We are deeply aware of that stipulating an effective waste management plan not only helps reduce the negative environmental impact of wastes but also benefits the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems. Through waste recycling and reuse, we can improve resource utilization efficiency and achieve the goals of environmental sustainability and circular economy.

Our waste reduction target is set as an annual domestic waste reduction target of 3%, with year 2021 as the base year. As for industrial waste, it is all commissioned to and handled by qualified disposal service providers registered with the Ministry of Environment, Executive Yuan. We encourage the service providers to increase recycling and reuse for an effective utilization of resources so as to live up to the philosophy of circular economy.

Elements of Management Programs Description
Waste audits to identify opportunities for improving waste performance Regularly assess various business processes to identify opportunities to reduce waste generation, such as reducing business waste at the source by means of material specifications and precise construction, improvement in supplier production processes, and optimization of resource utilization.
Action plans to reduce waste
  • Waste and plastic reduction: Promote the reduction of plastic use throughout the Company, adopt reusable cups or beverage containers with the Green Mark.
  • Strengthened recycling: Strengthen the recycling and reuse of recyclable materials, like paper, plastic, and metal, and establish effective recycling channels with professional waste disposal service providers.
  • Packaging material use reduction: Optimize product packaging design and reduce the use of unnecessary packaging materials to lower the amount of packaging waste generated.
Investment in innovation or R&D Allocate R&D resources to methods of waste reduction.
Employees' waste reduction training
  • Waste management training: Regularly hold waste management training courses to enhance employees’ knowledge and skills in waste sorting and disposal.
  • Promotional campaigns: Organize promotional campaigns at operating sites for waste reduction, sorting, and recycling to advocate the idea of environmental protection and guide employees to actively participate in waste management.
Integration of recycling programs Circular economy action promotion: Demand the material use units at operating sites to utilize the “Second-Hand Asset Auction (Bidding) System” for value creation before materials turning into slow-moving or waste materials, or to retain usable equipment for their own use or donate such to schools in rural areas, disadvantaged groups, etc. for mutual benefit.
Transfer Rate of Waste diversion from landfill The amount of waste landfilled is zero with the transfer rate at 100%.


  • Water Resource Efficiency Management Plan of Chunghwa Telecom Company, Ltd. Waste Management Plan.pdf
  • Third-party verification statement Third-party verification statement
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