Annual Results

2023 Key Stakeholder Engagement Results

Stakeholder Results

Employees/Labor Unions

  • 7 Labor-management conferences (to deliberate on 71 proposals)
  • 6 Negotiation meeting (to deliberate on 60 proposals)
  • 89 mails from employees, all of which have been addressed in a timely manner


  • 1 Annual general meeting
  • 730 calls from shareholders answered
  • 4 Earning results conferences
  • 7 NDR and broker investor conferences
  • 24 visits or teleconferences with investors


  • Approx. 34,86 million cases served by all channels of customer service (including the customer service hotline, customer grievance, call-out care, and text-based customer service chatbot service)
  • 13.668 million tickets received
  • 29.534 million cases of customer business accepted

Government Agencies/Parliaments

  • 9 Press conferences and public hearings in total
  • 1,208 appeal and 130 negotiation meetings completed
  • 174 business inspections


  • 346 Press releases in total
  • 27 Press conferences in total


  • 130 individuals from 80 suppliers for “Supplier Sustainability Assessment and Carbon Management Training”
  • 40 suppliers completed for the initial audit and follow-up audit of the” second-party audit”
  • 91 suppliers participated in the CDP carbon management knowledge education and training and submitted information on the CDP platform.
  • 105 individuals from 72 suppliers participated in the "Green Gold Workshop"
  • 45 suppliers involved in the Environmental Sustainability Tour
  • 130 individuals from 54 suppliers participated in the "2023 Annual ESG Supplier Conference"
  • 187 suppliers complete ESG online questionnaire

Industrial Peers

  • 87 conferences attended

Local Communities

  • “Good Digital Neighbors”(GDN): established digital centers in 89 townships nationwide to promote digital learning in rural areas.
  • Smart Academy: organized 50 events with participation from 27 communities nationwide.
  • Click Taiwan Program: Partnered with the Department of Radio and Television, National Chengchi University, to co-organize the program with 22 communities.
  • Click Taiwan Innovative Design Action: Co-organize with 3 communities
  • GDN Little Directors: Co-organize with 11 communities
  • Empowering digital ability:organized 13 events.
  • Promoting positive neighborly interactions:organized 20 events.
  • Caring for the disadvantaged:organized 47 events.

NGO/NPO/ External Organizations

  • 4,218 sessions of NGO and NPO exchanges (visits or attendance) completed to fully address the needs of the aforementioned stakeholders on CSR issues
  • "Click Taiwan" program: collaborating with the Department of Radio and Television, National Chengchi University Since 2009 to invite university students from all over Taiwan to long stay in rural communities and tribes to simultaneously document local stories while engaging in community service.
  • Digital Innovative Application Series: Collaborating with 5% Design Action, a social enterprise, to promote local communities through design to revitalize local industries.
  • GDN Little Directors: Collaborating with award-winning TV and film directors to cultivate children's ability to use digital 3C devices combined with creative thinking, and learn to tell their hometowns stories through visual storytelling.
Excellence & Innovation
Innovation Management
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