Implementation of high-risk operation management and reduction of occupational accidents
- 5,007 optimizations of high-risk work environment(3,305 cases of distribution junction box height lowering and 1,702 cases of scaffolding crossover)
- 18,774 permits of high-risk operation(1,815 for hot work, 4,084 for slinging , 7,995 for work aloft, and 4,880 for confined spaces), totaling 18,774 permits.
- High-risk operation drills with 5,826 participants to make operational safety a habit, with 1,853 participants in the drills for operations in confined spaces and 3,973 participants for that of work aloft
- 6,922 OHS on-site inspections conducted, and 458 non-conformities corrected for a timely prevention and correction.
- 76.45% for the performance in disaster reduction across all the operating sites in 2023 (by the rate of occupational accidents per thousand capita compared to the reduction rate of the entire industry)

Independently external verification of ISO 45001
100% of the operating sites (i.e. all the 27 institutions) verified by an independent external third party.

Labor health services
- On-site medical doctors and dedicated nurses to care for labor health, offering diverse health consultation to employees via online or telephone appointment for in-person or telephone consultations
- 36 on-site services by doctors on a monthly basis for 3 hours each and approx. 30 min per capita.
- Analysis and evaluation of employee health checkup records with the self-developed "Enterprise Healthcare System (EHS)," proactively offering care in line with the risk profiles and provision of on-site services when necessary for doctors to talk with employees to offer health advice and care.
- On-site services by doctors: 432
- Employees consulted by doctor (30min/session): 3,877
- Employees consulted by nursing personnel: 23,363

Health check for employees and dependents
- Health checkup and care services better than the statutory requirements provided to employees for them to select a checkup plan in line with their age and high-risk factors to health.
- Provision of checkup plans at preferential rates for dependents of employees to extend our care to the health of employees' dependents, allowing their dependents to choose suitable plans for checkup.
- 16,092 employees having health checkups and 3,557 family members involved in 2023 with an employee health checkup rate of 99.70% and a satisfaction rate of 95.93%

Health promotion activities
- 503 sessions of events related to health promotion organized in 2023, including lectures, educational trips, health examinations, community service activities (beach cleaning, blood donation, environmental cleanup), various sports competitions (basketball, softball, and badminton, etc.) first aid courses, weight loss courses, vaccinations, club activities (aerobic dance, yoga, Tai Chi exercise), and large-scale activities (walking and jogging) with 35,030 participants.
- Monthly release of at least 2 pieces of health education information to promote correct ideas of disease prevention and elevate employees' health awareness.

Healthy Workplace Certification
Active participation of government's activities related to healthy workplace. A total of 22 organizations across the Company were presented with the awards of "Healthy Workplace Certification - Health Promotion Label."

Work environment optimization
- Regular (half a year) and random checks and improvements in terms of indoor noise, lighting, temperature, humidity, and air quality.
- Provision of ergonomic chairs, doors and windows for external ventilation, and indoor plants.

Employee Assistance Program(EAP)
- One of the first wave of large domestic enterprises with the EAP in place as early as 2007.
- Consultation appointments can be made via phone, online platforms, and email, with professional consultant (e.g., psychologist, lawyer, social worker, etc.) arranged in line with individual employee’s consultation topic, and the consultations can be conducted via phone or in person.
- Provision of 5 sessions of external professional consultation service per year for employee, free of charge, to help address troubles with laws, medicine, family, workplace relationship, and stress.
- 512 employees served and 5 on-site services by case managers , and a 98% for the rate of consultation satisfaction in 2023.

Funded flu vaccination
- Influenza vaccination can reduce the incidence and mortality rate of influenza, lower the chances of getting infected or infecting others, and prevent cluster infection.
- In line with the annual influenza vaccination schedule and eligible groups announced by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, local health authorities in counties and cities were contacted to arrange for free influenza vaccinations, with 21 organizations across the Company involved in the vaccination and a total of 1,436 eligible individuals receiving vaccination.

Provision of healthy and nutritious
- 9 Employee Cafeterias set up at the operating sites nationwide, with pesticide residue testing on fruits and vegetables conducted per month; SGS-Taiwan commissioned for random tests of ractopamine, animal drugs, preservatives, or sulfur dioxide.
- Employee cafeteria installed, offering a diverse range of nutritionally balanced meals.
- All food suppliers verified by rigorous reviews to ensure the safety of food served to our employees.

Work-life balance
- 27 hostels established across Taiwan to encourage employees to take day-offs with the leisure accommodation provided.
- Travel subsidy of NT$8,000 per year available.