Chunghwa Telecom Commit to Nature Sustainability. Lead the Industry to Commit to Achieving Net Positive Impact (NPI) / No Net Deforestation (NND) by 2030.

Mr. Shui-Yi Kuo, Chairman of Chunghwa Telecom, declared in his speech given in the “2023 Taiwan Future Summit” today that Chunghwa Telecom leads the telecom industry to commit to achieving NPI, Net Positive Impact, on biodiversity and NND, No Net Deforestation, by 2030 to avoid all types of deforestation activities and further promote reforestation. The Company pointed out that its goal is to implement the United Nation’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to achieve “removing biodiversity loss by 2030 and “the vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050.”

Chunghwa Telecom follows the recommendations of the "Nature readiness assessment" guideline by WBCSD (the World Business Council for Sustainable Development) to establish an assessment framework and process for implementing biodiversity. The Company said, it conducted risk analysis of dependency and impact on natural resources by ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) which across five major categories (including base stations, computer rooms, stores, office buildings, and comprehensive offices) for more than 11,000 operating sites in Taiwan. Chunghwa Telecom recognized that high dependency on risks are floods and sea-level rise, and greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste are the primary influencing factors.


In addition, Chunghwa Telecom will avoid to engaging in new operational activities in adjacent areas of critical biodiversity as well. For those existing operational activities located in adjacent areas of critical biodiversity, the Company will gradually initiate risk assessment and monitoring for natural resource utilization and biodiversity. By following the mitigation hierarchy (including avoid, minimize, restore, and offset), we will endeavoring towards achieving NPI on biodiversity by 2030.


Furthermore, the Company said, it will conduct an inventory check of usage of forest products for current operational activities and allocate resources towards reforestation. The Company has teamed up with Tai Tzu-Ying, a Taiwanese badminton star, to initiateWinning Matches, Planting Trees” which is an three year tree planting project since 2022. For now, Chunghwa Telecom has already donated 4,000 trees. The tree donation will be raised from 100 to 1,000 per champion that Tai Tzu-Ying win. In the efforts of achieving NND by 2030, the Company have collaborated with the Forestry Bureau of Taiwan to engage in reforestation and rehabilitation activities in key state-owned forests and coastal areas throughout Taiwan and will expand the scale to plant 150,000 trees in the next 8 years.