Corporate Governance

About Governance

Internal Audit

Internal audit is the core of a company's internal control systems and corporate governance. In an effort to improve the quality of internal audit and to ensure that the internal auditing department is capable of obeying the rules governing internal audit practices and defined internal audit operational standards, we have formulated the sound internal audit regulations and rules as below:

Internal audit charter of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.: clearly define to observe international standards for the professional practice of internal auditing while conducting audits, and specify the internal audit organization and duties, qualifying requirements for internal auditors, professional ethics and professionalism, etc.

Internal audit implementation rules of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.: specify internal auditors’ normative duties and matters for attention while conducting audits, making internal auditing plans, executing internal auditing operation, disposing internal auditing results, etc.

Internal audit operational manual of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.: including the detailed procedures and content of internal auditing operation, various application forms, and working methods, as the reference while auditors conducting their audits.

Moreover, we have established “the management information system of internal audit”, which includes annual audit plan, auditing jobs assignment, auditing notification, the data to prepare, auditing inquiry form and inquiry form reply, audit working papers, audit reports, auditing follow-up form and follow-up form reply, auditing follow-up report, the implementation of annual audit plan, etc. The system also possesses a number of statistical analysis functions.

Since the second half of 2022, digital tools such as risk dashboard (Dashboard) and audit automation robot (RPA) have been added to increase the frequency of risk monitoring and provide more accurate and valuable audit results and suggestions.

We have an internal audit unit that reports directly to the board of directors. The audit unit conducts internal audits strictly in accordance with policies in the utmost objectivity. It assists the board of directors and managers by constantly reviewing the effectiveness of internal control systems and operating efficiency.