One Management
Chunghwa Telecom provides professional One Management hosting services in domains such as networks, IT, and information security, thereby helping enterprises quickly establish digital transformation and innovative services.
Provides ICT and hybrid cloud technology architecture consultation, cloud migration plans, cloud information security services, AI smart service applications, Big Data analysis, education, and training.
We provide you with optimal evaluation and recommendations through several procedures, such as state-of-affairs interviews, transformation evaluations, planning and design, and trial cost accounting.
Professional project managers are assigned to help you complete your duties, from reasonable control of project budgets to the implementation schedule and categories.
Experts guide you through the process of understanding how to operate the hybrid cloud environment and its applications.
We craft detailed migration plans for the customer, with practical step-by-step guidance that leads you to your migration goal, all while controlling quality during and after migration.
We provide a comprehensive QC plan before the project even begins, and during the project we ensure QC.